We provide both Onsite and Offshore development and IT consultancy & services

Even though we provide both onsite and Offshore development and IT consultancy services, more and more customers are outsourcing their IT consultancy and development work to our offshore development center

What makes us different

Unlike other many offshore development centers, we have our head office is in Finland are mostly based in europe. Our management lives in Finland and we are bound by EU laws

Our customers can meet us anytime. We regularly meet our customers and continuously monitor the progress of different projects. We have our own offshore center so when you outsource your project to us, we completely take the responsibility and deliver it with the quality that we promise to the customers

Our offshore team is throughout available. We have a daily status meeting and regularly update the customers about blockers or impediments.

Onsite and Offshore Model

Depending upon the customer’s requirements, we can provide onsite, offshore or a mixed model. Most of our customers are using the mixed model.

In the mixed model, a project is divided between onsite and offshore team. We provide onsite consultants and services to keep the project running, have a closed interaction with the customer and complete the tasks that require onsite presence. The offshore consultants and developers complete most of the work to keep the project budget in check. This way, we can ensure to provide quality skillset immediately and with low cost while the onsite

For the projects that can be executed totally offshore, we provide our offshore team with complete expertise like Project Managers, Architects, developers, consultants, testers and service managers